Fostoria Heirloom
by Hugh Buzzard
Glass Review - March 1978
Fostoria advertised it as, "Fine Giftware with Fashion Flair." This
opalescent line was an entirely different kind of glassware, as the
color blendings were unique. It was made, like handmade antique glass,
from 1959 thru 1970. Thus the name, "Heirloom," for this group of
"free-form" shapes.
It is interesting to note that the vases got their elongated shapes
from "swinging." This method is much the same as twirling a baton. The
1002/833 - 18" vase and the 1002/834 - 20" and 24" vases were swung
from a spooner in the No. 1229 Frisco Line. (The Frisco Line was a
pattern produced from 1903 thru 1905.) The 1515/827 - 11" vase was
swung from the tumbler and the 1229/757 - 6" bud vase was swung from
the toothpick holder in the same pattern.
Colors Produced:
- Blue-Green-Opal-Pink - 1959 through 1970
- Yellow - 1959 through 1962
- Bittersweet (orange) - 1960 through 1962
- Ruby - 1961 through 1970
- (only ten items were made in ruby)
Production dates of Heirloom Pieces: 
1959 Only:
- 1002/833 - 18" Vase
- 1002/834 - 24" Vase
1959 thru 1960:
- 2720/191 - 8½" Star Bowl
- 2720/126 - 12" Basket
1959 thru 1961:
- 1515/364 - 16" Large Epergne (Ht. 9½")
- 1515/311 - 10" Candle Vase
1959 thru 1962:
- 2183/311 - Flora Candle
- 2720/168 - 6½" Crinkle Bowl
- 2570/575 - 17" Plate
- 2720/170 - Square Florette
1959 thru 1970:
- *1515/827 - 11" Vase
- *1229/757 - 6" Bud Vase
- 1515/208 - 10" Bowl
- 1515/270 - 15" Oblong Bowl
- 1515/279 - 16" Oval Centerpiece
- 2183/415 - 10" Flower Float
- *2183/168- 7" Bowl
1960 Only:
- 2728/827 - 11" Wlnged Vase
l960 thru 1961:
- 2728/751 - 4½" Handled Vase
1960 thru 1962
- 1002/834 - 20" Vase
- 2727/231 - 11" Shallow Bowl
- 2727/202 - 9" Square Bowl
- 2727/557 - 11" Plate
- 2127/550 - 8" Plate
- 2727/155 - 6" Square Bowl
- *2729/540 - 10" Oval Bowl
- 2730/255 - 12" Oval Centerpiece
- 2730/219 - 6" Candle
- 2730/364 - 12" Small Epergne (Ht. 6½")
1960 thru 1970:
- *2726/311 - 3½" Candleholder
- *2727/152 - 6" Hanky Bowl
- *2727/239 - 11' Bowl Crimped
- *2728/807 - 9" Pitcher Vase
- *2729/135 - 7" Bon Bon
- * = Also produced in ruby