More and more I find pieces of glass identified as Duncan & Miller that are in reality Fostoria - especially opalescent glassware. For instance, the pieces in Photo No.1 were offered to a friend of mine as Duncan for SURE, no doubt about it. But the truth is they are Fostoria, opalescent line "Heirloom." Some other gorgeous items made by Fostoria are shown in Photo No. 2. These are "Seascape." I wish these pictures were in color - the pinks and blues are just heavenly! So are the yellow, turquoise and clear opalescent. I can't seem to pick a favorite color since they are all so beautiful.
It is easy to see why these items are confused with Duncan - the colors are quite similar. The only way to be SURE what you are getting is to know your patterns.
Photo No. 3 shows Duncan's "Sanibel" pattern - lovely aren't they? The other items are Duncan's "Canterbury" shown in Photo No. 4. Much more of Duncan's opalescent glassware is pictured in Frances Bones' Book of Duncan Glass - this book is a must for Duncan collectors.
The colors in Duncan's opalescent line also have names: "Cape Cod" (blue}; Shell Pink; Jasmine (yellow) - they even sound pretty.
Both Duncan and Fostoria made beautiful opalescent glassware. So if you find a certain piece that you want, buy it, but don't be fooled. As Jabe Tartar says: "Know your glassware."
Editor's note: Gwen has in her possession several original Fostoria catalogues that gift stores used. She does not know the dates that the Fostoria opalescent items were introduced or when they were discontinued. The "Seascape" pattern was line Number 2685 in a 1955 catalog and the "Heirloom" pattern was dated 1960. She received two pieces of "Heirloom" in the 1940s as a wedding gift.
![]() Photo No. 1 - Fostoria "Heirloom" |
![]() Photo No. 2 - Fostoria "Seascape" |
![]() Photo No. 3 - Duncan "Sanibel" |
![]() Photo No. 4 - Duncan "Canterbury" |