Mama duck is waddling along with her chest out and her head high, taking her ducklings to the Pond.
One little duckling is following behind with almost the same proud
carriage, then the next little duckling follows but is looking with his
head turned over his back at the last duckling who seems almost ready
to fall on his face, just barely able to make it to the pond {they
These are a beautiful clear green glass, almost a moss green, They also come in frosted. The frosted ones feel like satin glass, but satin glass is a cased glass so these are a beautiful frosted glass of good quality.
These colored ducks and ducklings can be ordered from your Fostoria store that handles Fostoria Glass. The price is $19.25 per set.
Now if you happen to find them in clear, that is a different story. The clear ones are hard to find; they were made in the late 50s and early 60s. Almost impossible to find.
Viking put out some geese that would make one think they all came from the same company.
The Mama Duck measures 4" high from feet to top of head; from bill to tail she measures 4" also. The first two ducklings measure just under 2½" tall by approximately 2" wide, then the last little duckling measures 2¾" from back to front and approximately 2" from top of tail to bottom of feet. Their bodies are well defined, large bills, eyes indented with large pupils protruding from the center.