Collectors who admire the beauty of Art Glass would find particular delight in the full page Steuben advertisements which appeared in gorgeous color in leading magazines during 1924 to 1927.
Steuben Glass Works was organized in 1903 at Corning, New York, by T. J. Hawkes and Frederick Carder. Carder was formerly associated with the famous English art glass manufacturers Stevens and Williams. Steuben produced many kinds of luxurious art glass. During World War I, The factory was classified as a non-essential industry and was unable to buy raw materials. In 1918, Steuben was sold to Corning Glass Works and Carder continued as Art Director of Steuben Furnaces. In 1932, Corning discontinued art glass and began to create artistic forms in crystal similar to that produced abroad by Orrefors and Baccarat. Carder went into semi-retirement but continued to work in his own laboratory at Corning carrying on important experiments in glass techniques, until 1950 when he retired at the age of 96.
How I wish you could see the glowing colors of the 1924 ad reproduced here. The dark red of the handsome console set - {Cerise Ruby}; the delicate green of the cologne bottle and powder jar (Pamona Green with Cinnamon foot and mica-flecked ball-stem and stopper); the iridescent blue of the base (Aurene with gold rim and jet-black stand); and the rose-pink of the tableware (Grenadine with Celeste blue stem and foot). Other ads that I have show Jade, Alabaster, Rouge Flambe, Catalonian "bubbly" glass, cased and etched pieces, an unusual duck bowl, lotus blossom table ornaments, a fish shaped vase and bottles of many shapes and colors.
Statements taken from Steuben ads are Interesting and informative:
"The traditions of fine glass blowing are as old as history itself. Today these fine old traditions are fostered and carried on at Steuben Furnaces." (1925}
"In Steuben glass, colors so rare that the ancient craftsmen attained them only by accident after long striving, are now produced at will. The limpid brilliance of clear crystal, the lustrous beauty of translucent jade, of alabaster and chalcedony vie with the midnight beauty of jet in the wondrous pieces." (1926)
"Exquisite tints recall delicate flowers, rare brocades, the sparkling lights of priceless jewels, the rich translucent beauty of wondrous syrups and cordials." (1926)
"On each original piece, you will find the tiny Steuben fleur de lis." (1926)
"In every age and in every art, there is the work of the true artist which endures for all time. In this tradition of the truly creative art, Steuben Glass is conceived and blown. Its designer has received international recognition as a great creative genius in this art. He has rediscovered processes of glassmaking that had been lost for hundreds of years. He has added to these many new creations of his own in line, decoration and color" {1927)
The name "Steuben" is still used by Corning Glass Works for their finest productions. Mr Robert L. Edwards, Public Relations Manager at Corning, asked me to clearly date any ads used and stated, "Steuben Crystal which is produced today is an entirely different product from that of the 1920s." The Steuben ad reproduced here is from House & Garden, September 1924 and is used by permission of Corning Glass Works, Corning, New York.
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