Advertisements by NON-Glass Companies
One of the more entertaining aspects of searching for
advertisements for glassware is to discover an advertisement from a
company that is not a glass company, but is either advertising a
glassware pattern or is using familiar glassware to showcase their
own product. This page has a number of examples of both. Sunkist
never made glass - they sold oranges, but the Sunkist reamer is
familiar to glass collectors and was featured in many of their ads.
Glass dinnerware and accessories were often used by grocery stores
as premiums and come-ons. And we all know of the pattern that many
folks call "Jewel Tea", when that was the name of the company and
not the pattern (which is properly called "Autumn Leaf").
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Farber Brothers, 1941 |
Farber Brothers, 1933 |
Farber Brothers, 1930s |
Farber Brothers, 1930s |
Farber Brothers, 1930s |
Farber Brothers, 1930s |
Pink two-handled bowl - 1939
Giveaway by Phillips Milk of Magnesia TOOTHPASTE |
Glasbake Oven Ware - 1937
Giveaway by Sego Milk Company via coupons |
Laurel Wreath dinnerware - 1937
Giveaway by Sego Milk Company via coupons |
Kitchen items - 1937
Giveaway by Sego Milk Company via coupons |
Pineapple & Floral, by Indiana Glass Co.
Advertised by Piggly Wiggly (Supermarkets), 1935 |
Sunkist Reamer Ad from 1916 |
Rock Crystal bowl give-away
Advertised by Wheaties, 1935 |
McKee Rock Crystal, Bryce Stem
Advertised by Minute Tapioca, 1934 |
Fostoria Fairfax pattern
Advertised by Campbell's Soup, 1930 |
Heisey Empress pattern
Advertised by Campbell's Soup |