Danny Cornelius

Since becoming a member of NDGA in 2004, I've worn many hats. I initially served as a member of the By Laws Committee, then as the By Laws Chair, while serving 2 terms as a Director At Large. During my second term as a Director I was elected President. I served 3 terms as your President, before becoming a Director At Large again 4 years ago. During much of this time I have also been the Administrator of the National Glass Museum Trustee Committee.

While I have been unable to travel as much in recent years as I had done previously due to some health issues, I have continued to be extremely active in both the operation and planning for the museum, as well as for the organization as a whole. I feel that I continue to have a lot to contribute to help NDGA and would appreciate your vote to allow me to serve an additional term as a Director At Large as we all continue with the next steps in the evolution of the National Depression Glass Association.